Russell Martin Foundation Charity Golf Day 2022 Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Fri, September 23

East Brighton Golf Club / White
Time Players
East Brighton Golf Club
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Aaron Thorpe The BNI Gophers
1:58 PM White Charlie Spratt + Louis Detton + Rob Callow
Adam Blount Sportsmen of the Sportsman
3:01 PM White Ian Chivers + Paul Brunger + Paul Chivers
Adam El-Abd Beef Squad
2:33 PM White Callum Murray + Sam Gargan + Stuart Boyd
Alan Pook KSD Support Services
2:40 PM White Chris Gargan + Ned McDonnell + Ted Ratcliffe
Alan Sanders Team RMF
1:30 PM White Jay Lovett + Ken Sharp + Neil Avard
Alex Boggis Pier Pressure
2:54 PM White Chris Boland + Jon Rush + Oli Boggis
Angus Chisholm Fitter Better Golf
1:51 PM White Charlie Boyes + Steve Byrne + Stu Avern
Ben Ferns The New Oak
1:37 PM White Guest of The New Oak + Patrick Matthews + Peter Ferns
Benji Sunblad PFA Team
2:05 PM White Charlie Gamble + Dave Palmer + Lee Marks
Brandon Bailey Selling Sussex
1:44 PM White Chris Ward + Daren Cridge + Keith Carr
Bud Johnston The Ambassadors
2:26 PM White Max Robinson + Paul Rogers + Rob Semple
Callum Murray Beef Squad
2:33 PM White Adam El-Abd + Sam Gargan + Stuart Boyd
Charlie Boyes Fitter Better Golf
1:51 PM White Angus Chisholm + Steve Byrne + Stu Avern
Charlie Gamble PFA Team
2:05 PM White Benji Sunblad + Dave Palmer + Lee Marks
Charlie Spratt The BNI Gophers
1:58 PM White Aaron Thorpe + Louis Detton + Rob Callow
Chris Boland Pier Pressure
2:54 PM White Alex Boggis + Jon Rush + Oli Boggis
Chris Gargan KSD Support Services
2:40 PM White Alan Pook + Ned McDonnell + Ted Ratcliffe
Chris Ward Selling Sussex
1:44 PM White Brandon Bailey + Daren Cridge + Keith Carr
Daren Cridge Selling Sussex
1:44 PM White Brandon Bailey + Chris Ward + Keith Carr
Dave Palmer PFA Team
2:05 PM White Benji Sunblad + Charlie Gamble + Lee Marks
Guest of Challenge Social 1 Challenge Social
2:12 PM White Guest of Challenge Social 2 + Guest of Challenge Social 3 + Josh Lewis
Guest of Challenge Social 2 Challenge Social
2:12 PM White Guest of Challenge Social 1 + Guest of Challenge Social 3 + Josh Lewis
Guest of Challenge Social 3 Challenge Social
2:12 PM White Guest of Challenge Social 1 + Guest of Challenge Social 2 + Josh Lewis
Guest of The New Oak The New Oak
1:37 PM White Ben Ferns + Patrick Matthews + Peter Ferns
Guest of Vivid Technology Vivid Technology
2:47 PM White Guest of Vivid Technology 1 + Mark Brock + Stephen May
Guest of Vivid Technology 1 Vivid Technology
2:47 PM White Guest of Vivid Technology + Mark Brock + Stephen May
Ian Chivers Sportsmen of the Sportsman
3:01 PM White Adam Blount + Paul Brunger + Paul Chivers
Jay Lovett Team RMF
1:30 PM White Alan Sanders + Ken Sharp + Neil Avard
Jon Rush Pier Pressure
2:54 PM White Alex Boggis + Chris Boland + Oli Boggis
Josh Lewis Challenge Social
2:12 PM White Guest of Challenge Social 1 + Guest of Challenge Social 2 + Guest of Challenge Social 3
Keith Carr Selling Sussex
1:44 PM White Brandon Bailey + Chris Ward + Daren Cridge
Ken Sharp Team RMF
1:30 PM White Alan Sanders + Jay Lovett + Neil Avard
Lee Marks PFA Team
2:05 PM White Benji Sunblad + Charlie Gamble + Dave Palmer
Louis Detton The BNI Gophers
1:58 PM White Aaron Thorpe + Charlie Spratt + Rob Callow
Mark Brock Vivid Technology
2:47 PM White Guest of Vivid Technology + Guest of Vivid Technology 1 + Stephen May
Mark Northam Carpenter Box
2:19 PM White Matt Edwards + Matthew Browning + Stuart Noakes
Matt Edwards Carpenter Box
2:19 PM White Mark Northam + Matthew Browning + Stuart Noakes
Matthew Browning Carpenter Box
2:19 PM White Mark Northam + Matt Edwards + Stuart Noakes
Max Robinson The Ambassadors
2:26 PM White Bud Johnston + Paul Rogers + Rob Semple
Ned McDonnell KSD Support Services
2:40 PM White Alan Pook + Chris Gargan + Ted Ratcliffe
Neil Avard Team RMF
1:30 PM White Alan Sanders + Jay Lovett + Ken Sharp
Oli Boggis Pier Pressure
2:54 PM White Alex Boggis + Chris Boland + Jon Rush
Patrick Matthews The New Oak
1:37 PM White Ben Ferns + Guest of The New Oak + Peter Ferns
Paul Brunger Sportsmen of the Sportsman
3:01 PM White Adam Blount + Ian Chivers + Paul Chivers
Paul Chivers Sportsmen of the Sportsman
3:01 PM White Adam Blount + Ian Chivers + Paul Brunger
Paul Rogers The Ambassadors
2:26 PM White Bud Johnston + Max Robinson + Rob Semple
Peter Ferns The New Oak
1:37 PM White Ben Ferns + Guest of The New Oak + Patrick Matthews
Rob Callow The BNI Gophers
1:58 PM White Aaron Thorpe + Charlie Spratt + Louis Detton
Rob Semple The Ambassadors
2:26 PM White Bud Johnston + Max Robinson + Paul Rogers
Sam Gargan Beef Squad
2:33 PM White Adam El-Abd + Callum Murray + Stuart Boyd
Stephen May Vivid Technology
2:47 PM White Guest of Vivid Technology + Guest of Vivid Technology 1 + Mark Brock
Steve Byrne Fitter Better Golf
1:51 PM White Angus Chisholm + Charlie Boyes + Stu Avern
Stu Avern Fitter Better Golf
1:51 PM White Angus Chisholm + Charlie Boyes + Steve Byrne
Stuart Boyd Beef Squad
2:33 PM White Adam El-Abd + Callum Murray + Sam Gargan
Stuart Noakes Carpenter Box
2:19 PM White Mark Northam + Matt Edwards + Matthew Browning
Ted Ratcliffe KSD Support Services
2:40 PM White Alan Pook + Chris Gargan + Ned McDonnell