Dear Supporters and Sponsors,


I am very grateful that the Dyke Golf Club has very generously, chosen to make my Peter James Golf Classic Day their main charity event of the year and I am delighted to announce that Friday 15th September 2023 has been booked to relaunch my very special Charity Golf Classic event.


Martlets is largely dependent on the generosity of local people for most of their funding through direct donations and events such as ours. Over the last three years nearly all of Martlets major fundraising events were cancelled due to covid restrictions which had an impact on Martlets income.


This year Martlets are undergoing an ambitious project to redevelop their hospice site, meaning more local people will be able to access hospice care when they need it. The redevelopment will be completed later this year and until then Martlets are delivering hospice care throughout our community. Funds that are raised through my golf day will go towards supporting Martlets as they continue their important work of caring for people with a terminal illness in our community. I hope all of you who join in this wonderful day will help with whatever contribution you are comfortable with to make this a truly bumper fundraising occasion.



I am sure you will agree Martlets plays a vital role in our community and it is unquestionably important to us all. More than likely it will have touched upon you, or a member of your family’s lives in one way or another.


Skerritts Wealth Management has very kindly agreed again to be the main sponsor of my event and I am so grateful for their ongoing generosity and support. To help, you can simply enter a team of 4 for £320, or you could sponsor a hole for £250 or provide a raffle prize.


You or your organisation can even feature in one of my forthcoming books. There are three options: Bronze (named minor character); Silver (named significant character) & Gold (named major character). Plus, significant other benefits. Contact Bradley Moore for full details.


If you wish to enter a team or wish to help in any way, then please enter a team on this link and then payment will be arranged by Bradley Moore at the Dyke Golf Club.


If you have any questions the please contact Bradley Moore at the Dyke Golf Club on 01273 857296 or e-mail for more details.


Finally, Martlets is especially close to my heart having looked after my mother who died there surrounded by love, laughter and the kindest imaginable care possible. I am committed to supporting the wonderful work they do. I do hope I can rely on you to help us in some way in this fantastic charity event.



Yours sincerely



Peter James (Hons) D.Litt